My friend Mish is celebrating her one year blog anniversary this month and is giving away lots of prizes. Today she's hosting a fun scavenger hunt and she's asked me to help her out. If you want to play along and be entered for the prize drawings, check out her blog HERE. There are 13 questions that you have to answer correctly. Mish has selected 13 of her blogging friends, including me, to each post one of the answers to her questions. So if you're playing along, you've come to the right place.
So let the fun begin!! I have always had a *thing* for primates!! It started way back in my childhood. My dream has always been to spend time with Dian Fossey or Jane Goodall. I had/have an extensive collection of gorillas, apes, and monkeys. Everything from stuffed animals, magnets, clothes, dishware, etc... Do you see where I'm going? I HAD to have this stamp!! It is by Whippersnapper. Don't you love him?!?!?
In honor of Mishy's blogaversary, I decided to use one of her layouts. Mish has always been an inspiration to me. I had the pleasure, a couple of years ago, to spend a weekend with her. She is just as sweet IRL as she comes across on her blog!! I soooooo hope she gets to the retreat this fall!! So for those of you on the scavenger hunt...I have lucky number 13!!! I'm not going to come right out and say it, but you can find the answer somewhere in this post!!!
Good Luck!! Have fun monkeying around!!