I received this wonderful award from my Hoot-a-rific friend Heather!! I call her Hooty or Hoots!! You can check out her blog
HERE Thanks Hoots!!
I was also tagged a few weeks ago by another awesome blogger, Keri at
Pink LemonadeHer tag requires six random thoughts...this one was tough for me! Probably why it has taken me so long to respond!! Let's try.
1. Since today is the season opener for the Buckeyes!!!
O-H!! (you respond with
I-O!) Of course you would know that if you were a Buckeye fan!
2. What bad habits do you have? For me, not so much now, but when I was younger, anytime I was on a ball diamond, I'd spit on or lick my fingers! I know gross. It was like I was doing that subconsciously. A friend sat one game and counted the number of times that would happen in an inning. I can't remember the number, but I remember being embarrassed!!
3. The Olympics really got me missing Volleyball. I played four years of Varsity in college, and really miss it!
4. Do you ever start typing things and your fingers work faster than your brain. We do all computer charting at work, and often times I find my self typing something from work. For instance. If I want to type the word difficult or available...they often come out difficulty and availability. Those are two words I write often at work.
5. I wish I were a better gardener!! I HATE pulling weeds, therefore...it never gets done!!
GO BUCKS!! Had to start and end with that!! I'm crazy I know...but not as bad as my Brother and Sister in law!!
Now to tag other people!! There are sooo many out there it is too difficult to choose. If you read this consider yourself tagged!! How about that!!