Not of stamping, just tired! I was one of the crazy fans at the midnight showing of Twilight last night. Great movie. It did the book well. There were a few things I would have like to see included, but I guess when you are trying to fit a 500 page book into a 125 page script...some things will get left out. Hopefully I'll be going again on Sunday with my niece. I'm am sure there are parts of the movie that I missed due to the chattering, oohing and ahhing that were taking place during the film...myself not included!
I wish I had something that was Twilight related to post today, but I don't. This is a simple Christmas card. I made a similar on for Valentines last year, using the Hearts CB folder rather than the Ornament. I love the ease of this! I colored the ornaments with Spica Pens, so they really sparkle...similar to Edward...ahh...