I made a set of these cards in no time at all. The new "Holiday Tag Collection" from PTI works great for something like this. There are so many different styles of tags to choose from. I am so glad I bought this set!
At my retreat this past August, Pine taught us how to solder. I had already purchased all the need supplies from Ellen, but had never used them...or tried once, and that project LOOK HORRIBLE!! Well I tried again after my lessons, and I have to say...I AM GETTING BETTER!!! I found this OSU paper at my LSS. This is the only design on this paper so image my surprise when I found that it fit the 1" square punch!!! There must be over 200 of these images on this sheet of 12x12!! I tore apart a Buckeye bracelet for the bead at the bottom. I suppose I could have made more, but that would have taken too long!! I love the way they turned out!!