Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Major Milestone

Can you guess what happened in our house today?!? I love this little purse idea that Nichole at PTI showed us. It uses the stationary boxes. They are just cut in half. SO INGENIOUS!!! Nichole posted a tutorial here. I can see many many uses for these purses. I know Jillian loved hers. How about filled with little lip glosses and nail polish for birthday gifts. A mini
composition book fits great also. (I'll show you that tomorrow) Perfect for gift card holders. I also tried Hershey nuggets. Twelve will fit sitting flat!! Woo hoo!! The possibilities are endless.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, how sweet, how positively sweet! Congrats on the first Tooth Fairy visit too, Mom!!


Lisa's Blessed A Latte said...

Love this....it's the cutest!!! You are so Amazing with what you Create!!!!